Public Intervention, Bois de St. Herme, France (2011)
Improvised Architecture, was a site-specific work developed during a 3 weeks residency at PAF Institute and constructed on-site in the adjacent Bois de St. Herme (St. Herme Forest). The work is constructed of fallen timber branches and found materials littering the site. Fellow residents were invited on an art-walk to discover the work, which remains there today mostly undisturbed, for hunters and passers-by. Harnessing the sculptural potential of vernacular structures, Improvised Achtecture is a study of human intervention in the natural environment and the most primary gestures of shelter and inhabitation, foundational elements of western-culture's notion of civilisation.

Landscape installation, Fallen timber, found materials, ink. 3.0m x 1.5m x 15.5m. PAF INSTITUTE - Residency. 15 Rue Haute. St. Herme outre Ramecourt. Champagne FR.